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Ukupno: 2028
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Protect the Mojo and Poly connection with the official Chord Electronics sleeve case
Šifra: 15046
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239.880,00 rsd 293.880,00 rsd
2019 Best DAC Over £1200“A stunning sequel from Chord.”2018 Best DAC Over £1200
Šifra: 15048
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239.880,00 rsd 293.880,00 rsd
HUGO 2 - Transportable DAC/Headphone Amplifier Hugo 2 is a powerful DAC and headphone amp that builds on the ground-breaking original. Designed for both home and mobile use, Hugo 2 transforms headphones and audio systems’ sound quality with its cutting-edge proprietary DAC tech...
Šifra: 15047
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599.880,00 rsd 701.880,00 rsd
HUGO TT 2 - DAC, preamplifier & headphone amplifier Developed from the multi-award-winning transportable Hugo 2, the Hugo TT 2 is bigger, better and more advanced in every way. TT 2 sets a new benchmark for table top DACs, eclipsed only by our flagship DAVE.  
Šifra: 15051
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179.880,00 rsd 197.880,00 rsd
2019 Best DAC £500-£1200“Another superb Chord DAC sets a benchmark.”2018 Best DAC &poun...
Šifra: 15050
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Minijaturni, ali moćni subvoofer SVS 3000 Micro besprekorno se uklapa u bilo koju sobu i sistem zvučnika,  sa zapanjujuće bogatim basom koji kreira bez napora, koji je utoliko impresivniji s obzirom na njegovo kućište mikro veličine.
Šifra: 15054
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Product Award 2019 - Best Ampl...
Šifra: 15035
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Šifra: 15062
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YU6 ...
Šifra: 15078
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YU6 ...
Šifra: 15079
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YU6 ...
Šifra: 15081
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Šifra: 15069
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Šifra: 15071
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Napomena: Zvučnici nisu uračunati u cenu stalaka!
Šifra: 15074
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Napomena: Zvuč...
Šifra: 15076
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Šifra: 15065
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Slušajte muziku sa praktično bilo kog uređaja uz par Kanto Living YU4 dvosistemskih bookshelf zvučnika. Uz RCA, 1/8"-ni(mini džek) i dva optička TOSLINK ulaza, plus Bluetooth povezivost za bežični signal. RCA ulazi funkcionišu kao Line ili Phono i...
Šifra: 15066
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Slušajte muziku sa praktično bilo kog uređaja uz par Kanto Living YU4 dvosistemskih bookshelf zvučnika. Uz RCA, 1/8"-ni(mini džek) i dva optička TOSLINK ulaza, plus Bluetooth povezivost za bežični signal. RCA ulazi funkcionišu kao Line ili Phono i...
Šifra: 15067
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