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Ukupno: 177
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Proširite svoj univerzum podrške za tablet To je noćna mora svakog muzičara: na pozornici ste. Nastupate. Ali tada nešto pođe po zlu i vaš tablet - koji koristite za izvođenje - iznenada se sruši na pod, a njegov ekran se razl...
Šifra: 14184
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iKlip Xpand Mini Univerzalna podrška za mikrofon za iPhone, iPod touch i pametne telephone Proširite svoj univerzum za podršku smartfona To je noćna mora svakog muzičara: Na pozornici ste. Nastupate. Ali tad...
Šifra: 14185
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4.200,00 rsd 5.400,00 rsd
Proel univerzalni držač za smartfon i tablet. Prikačen za mikrofonski stalak, omogućava nekoliko podešavanja uz slobodu upotrebe i optimalnom čitljivošću tokom nastupa uživo. Platični stalak je obložen gumom koja se ne krza; sama pritega je od livenog aluminijuma. Pogoda...
Šifra: 14241
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Proel universal tablet holder
Šifra: 14361
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Pair of loudspeaker stands, made of steel.
Šifra: 12498
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Phantom Blocker Blocks Phantom power, not the signal Blocks Phantom Power while leaving the audio signal intact For Microphone preamps Microphones Device Outputs Or anything else you wish to protect from P...
Šifra: 14675
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True Phantom Low THD P48 Phantom Power Supply Lowers THD on condenser microphones Or any other Phantom powered device Your microphone never sounded better
Šifra: 14682
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ABS 19" Shallow Rack Cases   ABS plastic transport cases for 19" equ...
Šifra: 14840
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The DI-1 is a high-quality direct box with crystal-clear sound for transforming high-impedance, unbalanced instrument outputs to the low-impedance, balanced inputs of a mixing console.
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20.280,00 rsd 28.800,00 rsd
A DI Box Like...
Šifra: 15038
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PRO300BK Professional large dimension microphone stand with telescopic boom.
Šifra: 15090
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MIC-5C A light-weight and stable microphone stand with an arm and folded legs. The footing and the arm joint are made of extremely robust PA plastic. A plane and at the same time the most popular microphone stand.Stand is sold without a handle MIC-CL ...
Šifra: 15280
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NAPOMENA: Mikseta nije uračunata u cenu torbe! Carrying bag for Model 12 CS-MODEL12 - Portability-enhancing carrying bag for Model 12
Šifra: 15835
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Stereo Bar
Šifra: 12539
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Extra low design for bass drums or special use. Very short and heavy legs provide maximum stability. Legs are foldable for easy transport. Comes with two-piece boom arm.
Šifra: 16947
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One of the most widely used microphone stands, which makes it the industry standard for microphone tripods. Built in 1967 the 210/2 has stayed almost unchanged and up to the date been sold more than 2 million times.
Šifra: 12536
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Microphone Stand
Šifra: 12543
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Ukupno: 177