14.280,00 rsd
20.280,00 rsd
Audio engineers looking for a highly flexible modeling microphone with impressive recording capabilities should check out the Antelope Edge Note, a small-diaphragm condenser modeling microphone with over a dozen classic microphone models well suited for studio and live so...
Šifra: 16832

Dodaj u korpu
71.880,00 rsd
91.800,00 rsd
Napravljen za high-tec emulacije i neverovatnu raznovrsnost u okvirima skromnijeg budžeta, Edge Solo od Antelope-a je veliki kondenzatorski mikrofon (sa dijafragmom) u koji je upakovano 18 modela softvera različitih kondenzatorskih i dinamičkih mikrofona. On daje muzičarim...
Šifra: 13316

Dodaj u korpu
191.880,00 rsd
283.800,00 rsd
SPECIAL OFFER+ 93 Synergy Core Real-Time FX+ Bitwig Studio
The Zen Tour Synergy from Antelope is a desktop interface designed to bring studio-quality sound to your home, studio, or on-the-road productions. Use it to record ...
Šifra: 14402

Dodaj u korpu
93.240,00 rsd
105.480,00 rsd
Multi-channel remote control for Antelope Galaxy 32 and Antelope interfaces with surround support and immersive audio monitoring
Šifra: 18087

Dodaj u korpu
23.880,00 rsd
27.880,00 rsd
Verge No. 1 Modeling Mic
Verge Goes Native
With native mic emulations included, ...
Šifra: 14128

Dodaj u korpu
131.880,00 rsd
197.880,00 rsd
SPECIAL OFFER+ 93 Synergy Core Real-Time FX+ Bitwig Studio
Bring pro-grade conversion, clocking, and preamps to your home or studio with the Antelope Discrete 4 Pro Synergy Core, a 14x20 Thunderb...
Šifra: 16847

Dodaj u korpu
263.880,00 rsd
431.400,00 rsd
SPECIAL OFFER+ 93 Synergy Core Real-Time FX+ Bitwig Studio
Serve all your monitoring, tracking, mixing, and home-mastering needs with the Orion Studio Synergy Core from Antelope. This interface gives you four XLR-1/4" input...
Šifra: 13962

Dodaj u korpu
59.880,00 rsd
118.680,00 rsd
Šifra: 15972

Dodaj u korpu
239.520,00 rsd
263.400,00 rsd
SPECIAL OFFER+ 93 Synergy Core Real-Time FX+ Bitwig Studio
Bring pro-grade conversion, clocking, and preamps to your studio with the Antelope Discrete 8 Pro Synergy Core, a 26x32 Thunderbolt 3 and USB 2.0 audio interface of...
Šifra: 16533

Dodaj u korpu
1.195.080,00 rsd
1.439.400,00 rsd
+ over 90 Synergy Core FX+ Auto-Tune Synergy+ Bitwig Studio DAW
64 Channels of analog audio. Dante & HDX connectivity.On...
Šifra: 15515
Obavesti me
599.880,00 rsd
791.880,00 rsd
+ over 90 Synergy Core FX+ Auto-Tune Synergy+ Bitwig Studio DAW
Combining 32 channels of AD/DA conversion, versatile Dante / HDX / Thunderbolt 3 host connectivity, and powerful integrated effects processing, the Antelope Galaxy 32 Synergy C...
Šifra: 16076
Obavesti me
117.480,00 rsd
143.400,00 rsd
Built to serve high-tech mic emulations and provide multipattern pickup for incredible versatility, the Antelope Edge Duo is a large-diaphragm condenser microphone bundled with software models of 18 coveted dynamic, ribbon, and condenser microphones. Resultingly, it ...
Šifra: 16543
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The Antelope Edge Quadro is a stereo large-diaphragm condenser microphone offering versatile configurability and flexible software processing for accurate sonic reproduction of vocals and instruments. With two 1.3" dual-membrane capsules—each capable of cardioi...
Obavesti me
143.880,00 rsd
184.200,00 rsd
If you are a professional musician or voice-over artist who needs a USB microphone that truly rivals the sound of prized vintage microphones, the Edge Go from Antelope is worthy of your consideration. Not an average USB mic, the Edge Go fai...
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In the fickle world of Audio & Video formats, Trinity is the Master Clock that stands out from the crowd, with the kind of features that others can only aspire to. Installed in some of the prominent audio and post production facilities around the globe, Trinity is in the roots of great per...
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Part of the Isochrone family of products, the Antelope 10MX Rubidium Atomic Master Clock combines the atomic, audio-clocking precision of the original 10M with the sophisticated jitter-management algorithm of the Isochrone Trinity, in an elegant 1 RU chassis. It empl...
Obavesti me
359.880,00 rsd
431.880,00 rsd
4th generation Thunderbolt/USB audio interface with 32×32 channels of DC coupled analog I/O, 128 I/O channels over Thunderbolt 3, 32 channels via USB at up to 192 kHz, and 128 I/O channels over optical MADI at up to 48 kHz
Šifra: 17423
Obavesti me
215.880,00 rsd
237.000,00 rsd
768 kHz HD Master Clock
The perfect solution for mastering, recording and project studios, film-scoring, post-production and live soundFor over a decade, Antelope’s legendary OCX Master Clock has been a dominant force in the a...
Šifra: 18553
Obavesti me
275.400,00 rsd
329.400,00 rsd
Šifra: 18554
Obavesti me
70.680,00 rsd
84.816,00 rsd
Welcome to the Zen Quadro Synergy Core – a revolutionary audio interface that stretches the limits of modern audio technology by implementing top-shelf components into an affordable price and portable form factor.With console-grade Discrete preamps, best conversion we’v...
Šifra: 18904
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