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Ukupno: 6
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28.680,00 rsd 52.680,00 rsd
Napravljen za muzičare, podcastere, YouTubere i live-streamere, Apogee Electronics BOOM je prenosivi 2x2 desktop USB audio interfejs koji kombinuje Apogee-ov legendarni zvuk studijskog kvaliteta sa mnoštvom profesionalnih funkcija dizajniranih da optimizuju vaš ...
Šifra: 16861
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149.880,00 rsd 264.000,00 rsd
Postavite zvuk simfonije na vaš sto! Ili ga ponesite sa sobom. Symphony Desktop za Mac-a od Apogee-ja, upakovani je elegantni 10x10 audio interfejs, sa kvalitetom (opsežnijeg) Symphony I/O Mk II. Sigurno staje u vaš ranac/torbu, što ne umanjuje mo...
Šifra: 15441
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65.880,00 rsd 76.680,00 rsd
Zamišljen kao centralni uređaj prenosivog setapa za snimanje, audiofilskog kvaliteta: Apogee Electronics Duet 3 je 2x4 USB (tip C) audio interfejs. Legendarna Apogee-jeva soničnost i intuitivna operabilnost krase ovaj ultra-kompaktni, izdrljivi i elegantni USB interfe...
Šifra: 15641
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  Limited Edition Set Level up your home studio recordings, or bring the studio wherever you go with Duet 3 LE. Clean up your desk with the streamlined dock for inputs and outputs, and finesse your sound with Apogee’s best EQ and reverb plugi...
Šifra: 19505
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  Mobile Instrument Interface Whenever an idea hits, you don’t want to miss out on recording because you don’t have the right gear. Capture your next hit song wherever you go, and make every take useable with Jam Plus.
Šifra: 19506
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  Mobile Guitar Interface Responsive and musical, Jam X brings your direct tone to a whole other level thanks to its built-in analog compressor. Choose from 3 presets that respond to how much you drive the input gain.
Šifra: 19507
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Ukupno: 6