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Ukupno: 25
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47.880,00 rsd 57.000,00 rsd
  2-Way 5.25-inch (130mm) Bookshelf Loudspeaker – Pair
Šifra: 18885
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47.880,00 rsd 57.000,00 rsd
  2-Way 5.25-inch (130mm) Bookshelf Loudspeaker – Pair
Šifra: 18884
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38.280,00 rsd 45.000,00 rsd
  2-Way 4.5-inch (114mm) Bookshelf Loudspeaker – Pair  
Šifra: 18880
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38.280,00 rsd 45.000,00 rsd
  2-Way 4.5-inch (114mm) Bookshelf Loudspeaker – Pair  
Šifra: 18879
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59.880,00 rsd 77.880,00 rsd
5.25-inch 2-way Bookshelf Loudspeaker
Šifra: 17041
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L82 CLASSIC je kompaktan 8-inčni (200 mm) dvosistemski bookshelf zvučnik koji koristi napredne JBL-ove akustičke tehnologije kombinovane sa upečatljivim retro izgledom svog većeg 'rođaka' – zvučnika L100 Classic. Vintidž dizajn L82 CLASSIC
Šifra: 16597
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Pair of speaker grilles for JBL L100 Classic MkII speakers (Blue)
Šifra: 19467
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L82 CLASSIC je kompaktan 8-inčni (200 mm) dvosistemski bookshelf zvučnik koji koristi napredne JBL-ove akustičke tehnologije kombinovane sa upečatljivim retro izgledom svog većeg 'rođaka' – zvučnika L100 Classic. Vintidž dizajn L82 CLASSIC
Šifra: 16596
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8-inch (200mm) 2-way Bookshelf Loudspeaker  
Šifra: 16935
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The L82 Classic MkII is the next evolution in the reborn legend that is the JBL Classic Series. This 8-inch (200mm) 2-way bookshelf loudspeaker features upgraded JBL acoustic components to improve the sound quality of this Classic loudspeaker.
Šifra: 18402
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203.880,00 rsd 287.880,00 rsd
Dizajniran i konstruisan u JBL/Harmanovom čuvenom prostoru za akustički inženjering u Kaliforniji (Nortridž), studijski monitor 4309 slika je i prilika patentirane JBL akustičke tehnologije. Ovaj dvosistemski bookshelf zvučnik opremljen je HDI™ (High-Defin...
Šifra: 16578
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JBL Stage A120P   Dvosistemski, 4.5"-ni bookshelf zvučnik iz JBL Stage serije. Nešto uže dizajniran od uobičajenih standarda ovog brenda, ima patentiranu HDI™ (High-Definition Imaging) 
Šifra: 16580
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Dvosistemski 5.25"-ni (133 mm) Bookshelf zvučnik Dizajniran i konstruisan u JBL/Harmanovom čuvenom prostoru za akustički inženjering u Kaliforniji (Nortridž), Stage A130 je 130-milimetarski (5.25") dvosistems...
Šifra: 16583
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The JBL 4312G is a 3-way, high-performance compact studio monitor in the iconic JBL configuration dating back to 1968. The latest in line of top-notch bookshelf speakers inspired by the legendary Model 4310 Control Monitor, the 4312G delivers thundering bass, with dynamic and clear hig...
Šifra: 16944
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Dizajniran i konstruisan u JBL-ovom čuvenom prostoru za akustički inženjering u Kaliforniji (Nortridž), L52 Classic je 5.25“-ni (130 mm-ski) dvosistemska zvučna kutija JBL-ovih naprednih tehnologija u kombinaciji sa nagrađivanom retro-stilizacijom svojih krupnijih ...
Šifra: 16594
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77.880,00 rsd 95.880,00 rsd
6.5-inch 2-way Bookshelf Loudspeaker
Šifra: 17040
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A limited edition upgrade to JBL's classic-look compact speaker
Šifra: 17401
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The L100 Classic MkII is the next evolution in the reborn legend that is the JBL Classic Series. This 12-inch (300mm) 3-way bookshelf loudspeaker features upgraded JBL acoustic components to improve the sound quality of this Classic loudspeaker.
Šifra: 18400
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The L100 Classic MkII is the next evolution in the reborn legend that is the JBL Classic Series. This 12-inch (300mm) 3-way bookshelf loudspeaker features upgraded JBL acoustic components to improve the sound quality of this Classic loudspeaker.
Šifra: 18401
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Dizajniran i konstruisan u JBL-ovom čuvenom prostoru za akustički inženjering u Kaliforniji (Nortridž), L52 Classic je 5.25“-ni (130 mm-ski) dvosistemska zvučna kutija JBL-ovih naprednih tehnologija u kombinaciji sa nagrađivanom retro-stilizacijom svojih krupnijih ...
Šifra: 16593
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Ukupno: 25