215.880,00 rsd
239.880,00 rsd
The JBL Classic SA550 Integrated Amplifier is a Class G amp which minimises distortion, offers high efficiency, and delivers 90W of power into two separate channels, making it the perfect companion for your hi-fi music system. The SA550 includes a high-performance ESS ES9038K2M DAC and...
Šifra: 18083

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359.880,00 rsd
395.880,00 rsd
Ponovo rođeni klasik - JBL SA750 integrisano pojačalo kombinuje retro estetiku sa audio strimingom visoke rezolucije, dok isporučuje fenomenalan zvuk iz analognih izvora. All-in-one sistem pažljivo konstruisan u ime proslave 75-ogodišnjice kompanije Harman.
Šifra: 16598

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