15.000,00 rsd
Launchkey Mini 25 is a compact and powerful DAW controller equipped with a suite of onboard creation tools. Every aspect is designed to enhance your creative flow, from the synth-style mini-keybed and 16 pads with polyphonic aftertouch, to the control surface, which enab...
Šifra: 19133

Dodaj u korpu
27.216,00 rsd
The compact creative controller: 25 keys, Scale and Chord Modes, generative arpeggiator, and powerful DAW integration
Šifra: 19329

Dodaj u korpu
11.880,00 rsd
14.280,00 rsd
Music producers using FL Studio will be psyched for the Novation FLkey Mini, a compact MIDI keyboard controller that provides complete hands-on control over FL Studio music production software. With controls for FL Studio's sequencer, channel rack, and mixer, plus creativ...
Šifra: 16328

Dodaj u korpu
15.000,00 rsd
20.280,00 rsd
Ultimativna kontrola nad Ableton Live-om
Launch Control XL je ultimativani kontroler za Ableton Live.
Pomaže Vam da se više fokusirate na Vašu muziku a manje na Vaš laptop, jer ima 16 dugmića, 24 tastera i 8 fejdera, od kojih se svi...
Šifra: 12083

Dodaj u korpu
19.080,00 rsd
Launchkey Mini 37 is a compact and powerful DAW controller equipped with a suite of onboard creation tools. Every aspect is designed to enhance your creative flow, from the synth-style mini-keybed and 16 pads with polyphonic aftertouch, to the control surface, which enab...
Šifra: 19135

Dodaj u korpu
2.280,00 rsd
3.480,00 rsd
Šifra: 17146

Dodaj u korpu
41.880,00 rsd
The complete creative controller: 61 semi-weighted keys, Scale and Chord modes and custom controls for any DAW
Launchkey 61 is a powerful DAW controller featuring a premium semi-weighted keybed, eight continuous encoders, nine faders, and 16 velo...
Šifra: 19011

Dodaj u korpu
9.480,00 rsd
13.080,00 rsd
Made to launch
Launchpad Mini is our most compact and portable 64 RGB pad MIDI grid controller. It gives you everything you need to start performing in Ableton Live - and it'll fit in your bag. Start maki...
Šifra: 13783

Dodaj u korpu
23.880,00 rsd
Launchkey 37 is a versatile DAW controller packed with essential creation tools. Designed to streamline your creative process, it features a synth-action keybed and 16 responsive pads with polyphonic aftertouch. The well-organised control surface offers comprehensive DAW...
Šifra: 19134

Dodaj u korpu
27.480,00 rsd
35.880,00 rsd
Music producers using FL Studio will be psyched for the Novation FLkey 49, a full-sized MIDI keyboard controller that provides complete hands-on control over your music production. With controls for FL Studio's sequencer, channel rack, and mixer, plus creative scale and chord ...
Šifra: 17499

Dodaj u korpu
28.680,00 rsd
31.080,00 rsd
The Novation Launchkey 49 MK3 is an intuitive and fully integrated 49-key USB MIDI keyboard controller optimized for portability and tight integration with Ableton Live, which now features a dedicated button for activating the Capture MIDI function, plus track arm, q...
Šifra: 14309

Dodaj u korpu
21.480,00 rsd
27.480,00 rsd
Music producers using FL Studio will be psyched for the Novation FLkey 37, a full-sized MIDI keyboard controller that provides complete hands-on control over your music production. With controls for FL Studio's sequencer, channel rack, and mixer, plus creative scale and c...
Šifra: 16329

Dodaj u korpu
22.680,00 rsd
32.280,00 rsd
Budite kreativniji
Impuls je naša ultraresponsivna i ekspresivna klavijatura sa mnogo dodeljivih kontrola. Dizajnirana je za ljude koji vole da se igraju za dirkama i pravo je zadovoljstvo svirati sa njom, a lako se integriše sa Ableton Live, Logic Pro, ...
Šifra: 1201

Dodaj u korpu
5.880,00 rsd
Designed to transport Bass Station II safely. It is lined with padding and comes with additional pockets
Šifra: 18404

Dodaj u korpu
39.000,00 rsd
45.480,00 rsd
All the power of UltraNova in a simple and compact mini-keys synth. Search for sounds as you perform, add five effects to 18 voices and use straightforward controls to delicately tweak or totally warp any sound in an instant. MiniNova has 256 killer sounds onboard, but you can add 128 more and...
Šifra: 11682

Dodaj u korpu
31.080,00 rsd
43.080,00 rsd
Šifra: 17629

Dodaj u korpu
4.200,00 rsd
8.280,00 rsd
Šifra: 17142

Dodaj u korpu
1.440,00 rsd
2.280,00 rsd
Šifra: 17144

Dodaj u korpu
32.280,00 rsd
41.880,00 rsd
Made to produce with Ableton Live and your hardware, Launchpad Pro is our most advanced 64-pad grid controller.
Launchpad Pro [MK3] combi...
Šifra: 15841

Dodaj u korpu
39.480,00 rsd
47.880,00 rsd
Stvarajte instinktivno. Nastupajte odmah.
Circuit Tracks izvanredan je samostalni groovebox za modernog producenta. S dve profinjene polifonične digitalne synth trake, četiri bubnjarske trake, kreativnim FX-om i mogućnostima za rad u pokretu, savršen je pra...
Šifra: 15279

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