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Adam Audio Sub10 MK2 je izvanredan sabvufer koji kombinuje moćan zvuk i elegantan dizajn. Kao podrška nearfield i midfield monitoringa, Sub10 MK2 reprodukuje precizne duboke tonove do 25Hz.
Šifra: 19002
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Studio engineers requiring powerful, accurate monitoring will be dazzled by the left-side, black HEDD Audio Type 20 MK2, a three-way active studio monitor well suited for compact recording studios, home studios, small mastering studios, or anywhere else that requires full...
Šifra: 16863
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Studio engineers requiring powerful, accurate monitoring will be dazzled by the left-side, black HEDD Audio Type 20 MK2, a three-way active studio monitor well suited for compact recording studios, home studios, small mastering studios, or anywhere else that requires full...
Šifra: 16864
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161.880,00 rsd 203.880,00 rsd
Ultra-kompaktni trosistemski monitor srednjeg/bližeg polja, vanserijski precizan u domenu tonova srednje visine i moćnog basa. Izuzetna izbalansiranost i nizak nivo distorzije odlikuju SC3070 i čine ga idealnim rešenjem za snimanje, mastering i kućni studio.
Šifra: 14735
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515.760,00 rsd 658.800,00 rsd
The Prism Sound Atlas is a 2 RU rack-mountable USB audio interface designed to deliver reliable precision, high-resolution, and multichannel audio I/O for musicians, vocalists, songwriters, and audio engineers in home, project, commercial, and mobile studios. Its sta...
Šifra: 16933
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479.880,00 rsd 778.800,00 rsd
Styled in red and suitable for mastering purposes, the PQ from SPL is a parametric equalizer—specifically, it's a redesigned edition of their well-regarded Model 2050 SPL PQ Mastering Equalizer. It features stereo and dual-mono operat...
Šifra: 15234
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106.800,00 rsd 155.880,00 rsd
The DANTE module allows multiple Titan or Atlas units to be connected directly to a DANTE equipped network.
Šifra: 16927
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The Prism Sound MDIO-PTHDX is a Pro Tools HD interface card designed to provide direct connectivity between a Titan or Atlas audio interface and a Pro Tools HDX or HD Native system. Ideal for small- or large-scale installations in studios or portable rigs, it feature...
Šifra: 16928
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599.880,00 rsd 791.880,00 rsd
DOBIJATE + over 90 Synergy Core FX+ Auto-Tune Synergy+ Bitwig Studio DAW Combining 32 channels of AD/DA conversion, versatile Dante / HDX / Thunderbolt 3 host connectivity, and powerful integrated effects processing, the Antelope Galaxy 32 Synergy C...
Šifra: 16076
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  ADAM Audio Sub2100 sabvufer za namenjen najzahtevnijim studijima i kontrolnim sobama. Vufer od 21,5 inča i moćno pojačalo sposobno za 1000 V kontinuirane snage i reprodukcija frekvencija do 18 Hz. Sub2100 Najveća zvučna zavojnica na svetu, od 6 inča, omogućava ma...
Šifra: 19005
Sub15 je izuzetno moćan sabvufer koji proširuje frekvencijski opseg monitora do 20Hz, zahvaljujući čvrstom 15" vuferu s aluminijumskom membranom i snažnim magnetima. Sa snagom od 1000 W (RMS) i efikasnošću od skoro 90%, lako podnosi intenzivne bas tonove bez iz...
Šifra: 19004
Ukupno: 91